Choosing faith over fear

We all have choices in life to make, and I will respect everyone’s, but I choose to live mine in faith over fear.

Honestly at first I didn’t want to get the vaccine because I was scared at what it might do to me, especially since I’ve closely watched what I’ve put in my body for many years now and who knows what’s in that thing.

However if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my lifetime it has been to still stay open to a shift in your perspective because things can change as you change.

If I was so set in my ways in the past I would have never cut off my long hair that I had for 15 years, never moved to NYC, never became a model, never went vegan, never went to Hawaii to learn how to farm at the start of a pandemic, and never would have done so many other things.

It seems like every time I’ve found myself scared about doing something I’ve eventually came to the same conclusion and that is I need to just trust that I can handle whatever lies on the other side of it because it always seems to end up with growth!

So long story short I decided not to let a virus or a vaccine scare me, and instead decided to just lean towards faith that I’ll be ok no matter what the outcome is.

It’s now been 3 months since I’ve been vaccinated and I’m completely fine, but the thing is even if I wasn’t fine I’d still be fine. Follow me?

I truly believe when you live in faith and not in fear then that’s when you actually start fully living because nothing is holding you back anymore.

Now take this as you wish, live as you wish, but I just wish happiness and health to all.
