Why effort and failure are your greatest teachers! (Failure Friday #1)

Failure to me is not putting forth any effort.

The more I live, the more I realize that I learn and feel the most alive through failing because I’m TRYING.

Recently I had about a 3 months span where it seemed like I just couldn’t get a win in the modeling/acting industry.

I swear I must have done 30-40 auditions, and even got close to getting jobs a couple times, but just nothing would end up coming into fruition.

Honesty I got use to the failing, but I KNEW this couldn’t last forever and that one day I would get a win again.

The thing is when you know and truly believe you will achieve then its all about continuing to put forth the effort and just being patient.

Also I realize that maybe sometimes I didn’t fail at getting the job because I wasn’t a good enough modeling or actor, and that maybe I was doing all the things right that I could have done but the people on the other side of the lens were looking for something else.

The thing is I’ve learned not to be so critical on myself, and have FUN in the effort I put forth because sometimes if it just makes me laugh at myself than that is a win to me!

Here is one of the more ridiculous auditions during that 3 month span that made me think there’s probably no chance in hell I’m getting this job but I’m still going to do it anyways

It was for “Broadway Returns” and I was playing a dad who is secretly into Broadway so he comes downstairs dressed up ready to show his family he knows how to Fosse dance.

Let’s just say I didn’t know what that dance was or how to do it, but it didn’t stop me from at least TRYING.

If theres something you don’t know how to do, or if there’s something out there you might not be seeing the results you’d like with at the present moment, remember to just try, keep trying, and find some joy in the process.

You don’t always need to switch things up if things aren’t working out, instead sometimes all you might need to do is to keep showing up!


How to Cleanse Yourself of Whats Holding you Back

Cleanse yourself of what’s holding you back.

In life when you can identify the things that are out of your control and choose to react to them in way that doesn’t affect you negatively then that is when you gain control of them.

On your wellness journey continue to lean towards and harness the power of the main thing that is in your control, your mind, because that is what will make all the difference in you helping you reach your goals.

How to do this?

1. Take the time to slow down and even completely pause if you need to
2. Quiet the noise around you so you can listen to yourself and think clearly
3. Open your mind to what you are letting affect you and let go of it

I highly suggest taking time to journal each day because the more you practice this the easier is to wipe that dirt off your shoulder.


Choosing faith over fear

We all have choices in life to make, and I will respect everyone’s, but I choose to live mine in faith over fear.

Honestly at first I didn’t want to get the vaccine because I was scared at what it might do to me, especially since I’ve closely watched what I’ve put in my body for many years now and who knows what’s in that thing.

However if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my lifetime it has been to still stay open to a shift in your perspective because things can change as you change.

If I was so set in my ways in the past I would have never cut off my long hair that I had for 15 years, never moved to NYC, never became a model, never went vegan, never went to Hawaii to learn how to farm at the start of a pandemic, and never would have done so many other things.

It seems like every time I’ve found myself scared about doing something I’ve eventually came to the same conclusion and that is I need to just trust that I can handle whatever lies on the other side of it because it always seems to end up with growth!

So long story short I decided not to let a virus or a vaccine scare me, and instead decided to just lean towards faith that I’ll be ok no matter what the outcome is.

It’s now been 3 months since I’ve been vaccinated and I’m completely fine, but the thing is even if I wasn’t fine I’d still be fine. Follow me?

I truly believe when you live in faith and not in fear then that’s when you actually start fully living because nothing is holding you back anymore.

Now take this as you wish, live as you wish, but I just wish happiness and health to all.


Disconnecting with Social Media and Connecting to Yourself

35 days ago I did something that pretty much was a move made out of complete desperation at the time, but one that I felt was absolutely necessary if I wanted things to change……I disconnected myself from social media.

This moved stemmed from coming across an instagram post from woman who spoke about how she disconnected from social media for a month and the beauty they discovered in the process. Instantly after reading it I knew that this is something I needed to do so I deleted the all apps on my phone and logged out of all the websites on my computer.

Now even though social media is made for connecting to others I found myself prior to this break feeling completely blocked from that. Instead I constantly felt anxious from all the info being blasted my way, the pressure to always produce content of value & whether I was doing enough. To sum it up I felt like it was controlling my mind as well as my time.

Well I don’t know about you but thats not how I want to live my life nor do I want to feel forced to create out of pressure because I know that is not where real creation lies. So long story short I removed the block with hopes to find the connection to myself that I had lost, and the best explanation I can give about what this did for me is with the hiking boots I’m wearing in the photo below while I was a hike in upstate NY.

Those are barefoot hiking boots by VivoBarefoot and they don’t block me from connecting to the ground, thus I’m able to feel so much more of the earth as I hike. Now at first this might be a little uncomfortable because you’re not used to feeling earthly elements like rocks under your feet, but it’s because you’re just used to the blocking that comes from “normal” thicker soled shoes. However the more time you spend unblocked the stronger your foot and ankle will become, making you feel more connected to your body & the environment.

Moral of the story is when I removed the block of social media it was a bit uncomfortable at first because I felt like I was closing off a tool to grow my business/connect to others that was the norm. However the more time I spent away from it the anxiety, pressure, & comparing myself to others dissipated and the feelings of love, joy, & gratitude became more abundant. I can honestly say that feel more connected to myself which now allows me to connect to that environment better, although I plan on still limiting myself to a great extent.

FYI I just want you all to know that the world keeps on spinning when you’re not trying to constantly show the world what you are doing and in my opinion it spins more beautifully that way. Protect your wellbeing always!

