Don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith!
It was just 5 years ago that I took the biggest one of my life moving to New York after living all my life in Florida.
To say it worked out pretty well would be an understatement, however recently I found myself at a point where I felt like it was time to make another leap.
I was back living in Florida again & wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to stay there, but also wasn’t quite sure where I wanted to be.
For months it seemed like I was saying yes to any opportunity that came my way just because they existed, but deep down I knew that most of them didn’t feel right.
Operating this way eventually lead me to hit a breaking point and so I decided to just start sitting still to get clear before making any more choices.
This meant even turning down opportunities that might have been gratifying experiences in the hope of finding a greater connection.
With the help of a break from social media I was able to regain control of my thoughts, which then helped me start to gain clarity with what I wanted.
I’m doing so I discovered I was a yearning for mountains and the fall feels of the city (especially after a year plus in tropical climates), and the more I connected to those feelings the more I saw things unfold in that direction.
Long story short I then booked a commercial in NYC and decided to open a door to all that lies on the other side of that.
This past week was one of the beautiful things that l found in that door as I reconnected with some great friends in the mountains of North Carolina.
I have to say that leaping isn’t so bad when you have people in your life that make the leap worth while.
These are the people who won’t only catch you at the bottom, but who also lift you up so you can continue to leap with even more confidence.
In the end when you leap sometimes you never know will you’ll end up, but the more you leap the more you will find that the drop down really is the most thrilling part.
Afraid of taking a leap? Try this……
1. Regain control of your thoughts
2. Take time to get clear
3. Bring in support to boost your confidence
4. Be consistent with your efforts